Nature protection

i4654-image-original.jpgLong-term strategy of National park ”Vodlozersky“ development proceeds from its aims and builds in accordance with conception of biosphere reserve. Common aim of reserve's activity is protection of natural and cultural variety of territory for assistance for stable economic and social development, provision and support of scientific research, monitoring, education and training of personnel in connection with local, regional, national and global level's objectives of environment protection problems' solution and rational use of natural resources. In this connection common aim of National park Vodlozersky strategy of development should be organization of model territory (on regional, national and global level), where simultaneous conservation of all natural and cultural variety of territory in combination with its stable social and economic development is provided.

i4656-image-original.jpgNational park is nature conservation institution. Its main task is preservation of unique natural complexes of Vodlozero area. Fulfillment of measures of protection and reproduction of forest, vegetable and animal world resources and also fulfillment of works of park's territory accomplishment is laid on forest service and its territorial subdivisions: Vodlozerskoe, Ilekskoe and Pudozhskoe forestries.
Territory of the park is enormous forest tract of untouched taiga with numerous lakes and dense river system. Transportation in the Park in summertime is possible only by waterway, in winter – on snowmobiles. Complicated natural conditions and absence of roads make realization of any work on the territory of park difficult and demand special professional skills and human qualities from inspectors.

i4655-image-original.jpgDuring past 15 years professional collective of forest service has formed in park. There are cordons with wireless stations on every distant sector of the park, in the middle of untrodden taiga forest trails and winter roads are made. In fact forest service – state inspectors, foresters and forestry officers – has become that basis on which all nature protection, ecological education, tourist's and scientific activity of Vodlozersky park is building today. Main result of work of forest service and all nature protection activity of the park is achievement of absolute ecological stability of protected area. Today Vodlozersky national park is surely protected natural reserve, on which territory natural dynamics of evolution of natural complexes is keeping, all the external anthropogenic factors are reducing to minimum or eliminating.
In the beginnings of park's forest service creation were such people as V.Gudym, A.Chirtsov, E.Holodov, R.Hohlov and also V.Malberg and N.Gordin who are still permanent chiefs.