Источник: vodlozero.ru/en/nature/relief/


i4679-image-original.jpgTerritory of Vodlozersky national park presents itself flat vastly waterlogged plain: only on the north there is not high crystalline mountain-ridge Windy Belt. In geological regard, area belongs to Baltic shield and it's made of crystalline rocks of Archaean Proterozoic age. There is a big amount of paleovolcanic and rift formations were discovered on a territory of the park, colossal intrusive rocks and squibs (tubular bodies) are to be found.
i4681-image-original.jpgAlong western boundaries deposits of chromite and titanic magnesium ores are discovered. Ancient stratums almost completely covered with newest glacial and water- glacial deposits.Relief of the park, except Windy Belt mountain-ridge was formed in post-glacial period. Approximately two thirds of the territory takes flat waterlogged moraine plain. The rest of area is occupied with various water - glacial forms, rocky landscapes (Windy Belt) and lacustrine terraces. Researches have discovered 54 geological geomorphological objects which can be related to ”monument of nature“ category. These are areas of dunes, circular moraine ridges, rocks, outcrops.